Need Self-Esteem Help? These Tips Will Give You A Boost

Self-esteem is the foundation of our emotional and mental well-being. It’s how we feel about ourselves, and it shapes our attitudes towards life. However, there are times when our self-esteem takes a hit, whether it’s because of negative feedback from others, self-doubt, or past experiences. It’s during those times that we need to take a … Read more

10 Myths About Self-Esteem You Should No Longer Believe

illustration of a unicorn, representing an common untrue belief about self-esteem

What if I told you that many of these widely accepted “truths” about self-esteem are more myth than reality? Today we’re diving deep to debunk some of the most pervasive self-esteem myths. So, dear readers, let’s unravel the true essence of self-esteem, one myth at a time. 💡🌀🌱 Our understanding of self-esteem is a continuously … Read more

Thumbs Up or Swipe Left? Decoding Social Media Therapy.

Ah, dear souls wandering the vast plains of the digital realm! Isn’t it fascinating how we’ve evolved from the Freudian couch sessions, exploring our childhood traumas and secret dreams, to now thumbing through an endless sea of mental-health memes while sipping our morning matcha? On platforms like TikTok, mental health-related hashtags have billions of views, … Read more

Self Esteem Therapy: A Complete Guide

illustration of therapist and patient talking as part of a self-esteem therapy session

Self-esteem is a critical aspect of our well-being, and it impacts all areas of our lives. If you’re struggling with low self-esteem, know that you’re not alone. We will cover everything you need to know about self-esteem therapy: what it is, how it works, and its effectiveness in improving your self-esteem. Finally, we will share … Read more

What Is Self-Confidence?


Do you sometimes feel like you are not good enough? Do you question your abilities and skills, even when others praise them? You might be struggling with low self-confidence. Self-confidence is an essential trait that helps individuals lead a fulfilling life, achieve their goals, and navigate through challenges. In this blog post, we will dive … Read more

Self-Worth vs. Self-Esteem: What’s the Difference?

Self-esteem story for kids

Ever paused to wonder why some compliments make you soar, while criticisms can feel like a sting? Welcome to the intricate dance between self-worth and self-esteem. Imagine self-worth as your inner compass, a steadfast belief in your inherent value. In contrast, self-esteem is like the weather, sometimes sunny, at times stormy, influenced by external feedback. … Read more

Low Self Esteem in Relationships: Signs, Risks & Tips

how does low self-esteem affect relationships?

In any relationship, self-esteem plays a pivotal role in determining how healthy and fulfilling it can be for both partners. Low self-esteem in relationships can lead to feelings of inadequacy, jealousy, and even resentment. It impacts communication, attachment styles, and the ability to set healthy boundaries. Understanding Self-Esteem in Relationships One of the key factors … Read more

Historical Perspectives on Self-Esteem

pyramids in ancient egypt

Self-esteem, the regard or respect that individuals have for themselves, has been a topic of interest for centuries. While the term itself might be relatively modern, the concept has been explored and debated by philosophers, theologians, and scholars throughout history. Understanding the historical context of self-esteem provides insights into its evolution and significance in today’s … Read more