Facebook, Instagram & The Teen Self-Esteem Crisis: Unpacking the 41-State Lawsuit Against Meta

Forty states and the District of Columbia have sued Meta, alleging that the company knowingly designed Facebook and Instagram in ways that can harm teenagers, particularly that Meta’s own researchers devoted to teen wellbeing believed that the product could, for vulnerable users, really exacerbate existing mental health problems. This lawsuit follows revelations from a Wall … Read more

Approval Seeking: Breaking Free from the Maze of External Validation

illustration of a woman bowing her head seeking approval from someone else

Imagine for a moment that you’re navigating a labyrinthine maze with towering walls and narrow, winding passageways. With each step, you’re greeted by signs—some pointing toward “Acceptance,” others toward “Rejection.” Your heart pounds as you make each decision, partly guided by the ever-watchful eyes painted on the walls, their gaze following your every move. It’s … Read more

More Money, More Self-Esteem? (New 2023 Study)

illustration of a confident wealthy woman and limousine representing the idea that higher income is connected to higher self-esteem

Past research has shown that people who make more money tend to have higher self-esteem. But it’s not clear which comes first – does having more money lead to higher self-esteem? Or does higher self-esteem drive people to earn more? This study aimed to understand how changes in income and self-esteem are connected within individuals … Read more

Conquering Self-Criticism: 7 Practical Strategies for a Kinder Mind

illustration of a woman critically looking at herself

The vast expanse of the stage was bathed in a soft, inviting glow. The plush red seats in the auditorium whispered tales of legends who’d performed here and awestruck audiences that had once sat there. Alone in the quiet, a young dancer named Elara rehearsed her moves, every graceful leap and intricate twirl etched into … Read more

The Battle Within: Ego vs Authentic Self

illustration depicting two woman, each being one aspect of the same person: the ego and the authentic self

Imagine you’re standing at a fork in the road. One path is well-trodden, lined with mirrors reflecting an image of who you should be—successful, popular, and ever-composed. This is the path of the ego. The other path is less defined, shrouded in mist, but it promises a journey of self-discovery, inner peace, and genuine connection. … Read more

Journey to Your Authentic Self: A Guide to Self-Discovery

illustration of a man hiding his authentic self behind a mask

Picture this: You find yourself in a grand ballroom adorned with crystal chandeliers and golden drapes. The air is thick with the scent of roses and the murmur of masked guests engaged in polite conversation. You, too, are wearing a mask, intricately designed to conceal your true identity. As you mingle and exchange pleasantries, you … Read more

250 Shadow Work Journal Prompts that Delve Deep into Your Inner Mysteries

illustration of a woman with a pen doing writing shadow work journaling prompts

Enter the realm of shadow work journaling. Grounded in the vast landscape of psychological research and centuries-old practices, shadow work is not just about introspection. It’s about acknowledging those parts of ourselves we’d rather not see but need to embrace. Studies, such as those from Stanford University’s Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education, … Read more